Studying Abroad in Nicargua

 The Top 5 Things I Don’t Want to Leave Behind in December!

My experience in Nicaragua has been a thousand times more rewarding than I ever could have expected!  Although I miss my home in Colorado, there are number of things about my study abroad experience that I am not looking forward to leaving behind!  

I have come to love the Nicaraguan classics – tostones con queso, plátanos maduros, and I definitely would not have survived here without gallo pinto!  But even more than these delectable dishes, I will miss the sweet, sugary treats from my host-mom’s bakery.  Every day I am forced to try cakes, donuts, breads, cinnamon rolls, and an endless number of other snacks.  I would leave all of my clothes in Nicaragua if I knew I could get away with packing my suitcase full of her pastries.

#2 Adventure: An Everyday Experience
Every day in Nicaragua seems to hold surprises for me.  Some of these surprises have to do with natural phenomenon – unexpected downpours, earthquakes and tremors during class, and exploding volcanoes that postpone field trips.  Other surprises include meeting strange people on the street, coming face-to-face with dangerous situations, and dealing with sudden losses in power or water.  Even driving on any given road, at any given time can come with surprises!  I love that I wake up every day here, and never know what to expect.  Sometimes it is fun to live on your toes a bit.

#3 Tank Tops, Flip Flops, and Swim Suits!

I will never forget spending the weekends being tossed head-over-heels by the waves of San Juan del Sur and the feeling of my skin, raw from the sun and sand of the beach.  These beach towns make it hard to look forward to the Colorado cold that waits for me at home!  Some of my best memories in Nicaragua, so far, have occurred on the beach with my friends.  Who doesn’t love the beach, really?

#4 Tranquilo!

The laid back atmosphere of Latin American culture has really grown on me.  Back home, my life is busy and my to-do list is always growing!  I have enjoyed the opportunity to relax a bit and put my feet up (but not too much to forget about studying!).  I don’t think I will ever get used to ‘Nica time’ but the overall feel has been a good change for me.

#5 My Partners in Crime

There are some things and feelings that I will be able to take back to Colorado in December and some that I cannot.  I would love to squeeze all of my new friends into my luggage and get the chance to spend even more time with them.  Even though I cannot squeeze dozens of people into a suitcase, I am thankful for the moments, the memories, and the souls that I have had the privilege to encounter.  The friends I have made in Nicaragua -- from strangers on the street, to fellow students, and even a couple of Europeans -- have made my stay in Nicaragua irreplaceable and I am excited to take my experiences and memories home with me.  I am excited to see what the future holds for all of us! A return trip to Nicaragua? Future trips to other countries? Maybe a visit to Colorado?  Either way, I cannot say thank you enough to the friends that have been by my side through all of the crazy adventures here in Nicaragua!   
- Kayln Madaris